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Friday, December 18, 2015

Oil exploration and extraction

world Drilling is committed to operating in a safe working environment and offers clients a fit for purpose and cost effective service. Asia Drilling’s management is drawn from experienced professionals with international drilling contractor, operator and service company backgrounds. An experienced drill crew along with a large support organization is already in place

Drilling platforms components

Sidetracking is one of the primary uses for directional drilling. Sidetracking is an operation which deflects the borehole by starting a new hole at any point above the bottom of the old hole as in Figure below

The primary reason for sidetracking is to bypass a fish which has been lost in the hole; however, there are several other reasons for sidetracking. A sidetrack can be performed so the bottom of the hole can intersect a producing formation at a more favorable position such as up dip above the oil-water contact. A well can be sidetracked to alleviate problems associated with water or gas coning. A sidetrack can be performed in an old well to move the location of the bottom of the hole from a depleted portion of the reservoir to a portion that is productive, such as, across a fault or permeability barrier

Most often, a sidetrack is accomplished by setting a cement plug in the hole and dressing off the plug to a depth at which the sidetrack will commence. The sidetrack can be either "blind" or "oriented". In a blind sidetrack, the direction of the sidetrack is not specified and is not considered a directional well. In either case, a deflecting tool is used to drill out the old hole and start a new hole

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